Randy  Sawtelle

I am 0riginally from New Hampshire.

I have been in the industry a long time. The first parking lot I painted was in 1970 ( I did it with boards and paint brush.. Yuck!!). I also started seal coating at that time.

In the early 80s I moved to Venice Florida and worked for Asphalt Pavers. I did all their pavement marking, seal coating and sport surfaces. As well as sales for the same.

Then I worked for BJ Drag Line and did the same for them. As well as becoming a Wikel sealer distributor ( later they became Seal Master ).

In the mid 80s I moved to Asheville NC and worked for Safety Stripe. There I really got into sport surfaces and highway work as well as all the rest.

By 1989 I had moved out on my own and did the full range of the industry including inventing some equipment and getting patents on them.

In 2000 we sold the long line part of our business ( highway marking ).


We have traveled several times to do custom work. Both for 3-M ( 35 miles of line removal in Kansas ) and asphalt profiling for the DOT in Louisiana.

    Overall we have a lot of experience and can do many different kinds of work. We can help you to do the same or help you with your project.